We caught Keanu Reeves and his girlfriend China Chow out in Monaco frolicking in the water with a couple of friends. Man, Keanu and China's bvacation/b sure is taking them all over Europe, huh? (We just hope they decide to sneak back to Cannes ! ... Vzdy tam pod nim - bola matka s dietatom v bkociku/b a s muzom......Ten sympaticky pan mi vysvetlil - ze to je "symbolicky kolotoc"...Matka - znamena momentalne vtelenie...pritomny zivot...To dieta v bkociku/b - je opat ta matka - ale v ...
Robert bKocik/b, Brooklyn Poet Pressure Group NY "This 700 B is the only budget we'll ever have for bottom-up change." xxxxxxxx. Tucson Az. Chris Fenton Shelton WA. Tessa Pitre Santa Cruz CA. Brett Nerad Chicago IL b....../b This includes both FIRE (finance, insurance, real bestate/b) and utilities. We can help jump start an economic recovery by rebuilding our electrical grid (it's in dangerously sad condition) which just will not occur unless we re-regulate utilities. b.../b
Zelenooká kráska si s manželom Danielom Volopichom (42) vybrala päťhviezdičkový bhotel/b a ich hlavným prianím bolo, aby si čo najviac užili voľné chvíle s dcérkou. "Najviac zo všetkého ma tešili prechádzky s bkočíkom/b na pláži," priznala b.../b